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Advantages of Using Cannabis Topicals

Do you live an active lifestyle that takes a toll on your muscles? Or maybe you experience body discomfort, joint pain, or swelling? Cannabis topicals may be for you. For years, cannabis has been touted for its ability to holistically address pain. Recently, there has been a growing desire for products that allow you to access the therapeutic potential of cannabis without getting high. Keep reading to find out more about cannabis topicals and how they can supplement your wellness routine!

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What are Cannabis Topicals?

Cannabis topicals are a range of marijuana-based products that are not ingested. Rather, these potent compounds are applied externally. From salves to salts to patches, topicals are extraordinarily versatile. With a topical, the cannabinoid is applied externally and will not enter the bloodstream. Because the marijuana is not ingested, there are virtually no psychoactive effects associated with cannabis topicals.

How do Cannabis Topicals Work?

Cannabis topicals derive their therapeutic effect from their cannabinoid content. Cannabinoids are the chemicals that react with your endocannabinoid system and are responsible for the psychological and physical responses to cannabis. The most famous cannabinoid is THC. CBD is another frequently referenced cannabinoid. Both are active compounds found in the marijuana plant.

Although THC is the psychoactive component of the marijuana plant, when applying it topically, the mind-altering effects are not prominent, if felt at all. Topicals that are based solely on CBD have no reported psychoactive effects. So how do topicals work? The skin has certain receptors that respond to the presence of a cannabinoid, aptly named “cannabinoid receptors.” Research suggests that these receptors will react with the cannabinoids, stimulating an anti-inflammatory response. This is associated with the soothing of muscles and joints among other bodily discomforts.

What Are Cannabis Topicals Used For?

Topicals are ideal for those looking to access the benefits of cannabis without the psychoactive effects. These versatile salves, creams, balms, and salts have been in use for centuries. Topicals are associated with numerous benefits including:

    • Anti-inflammatory Purposes: The cannabinoids in topicals react with the cannabinoid receptors in the skin promoting an anti-inflammatory response. This stimulated bodily response is designed to mitigate painful symptoms. Topical applications of cannabis provide targeted relief to specific areas that are inflamed. Topicals can be an excellent supplement to a healing regime, from bug bites to minor bruises.
    • Antiseptic Properties: The antibacterial mechanisms that defend the plant may translate to protection in humans. Recent research suggests that the microbiomes of cannabis may provide antiseptic properties.
    • Pain Relief: Many proponents of cannabis topicals from THC base to CBD base and other terpenes, tout the use of the compounds for their analgesic effects.
    • Skincare: We’ll discuss this in detail later, but cannabis topicals are powerful in protecting your skin!

Edibles vs Topicals

Edibles and topicals differ in a number of ways, but the most obvious is that an edible is ingested, whereas a topical is applied. Both methods will provide therapeutic effects, but the topical application is ideal for targeted, local applications. With an edible, such as a sublingually administered oil, the cannabinoids will enter the bloodstream inducing a psychoactive response, depending on the concentration and cannabinoid type, in addition to the therapeutic effect.

Ways Cannabis Topicals Benefit The Skin

The cannabinoids found in cannabis are highly potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. This means that they are well suited to supplement your skincare routine, and may have the potential to provide relief for the discomfort of some skin conditions. So, how exactly can cannabis topicals improve your skin?

    • Anti-Aging: The cannabinoids found in Cannabis are antioxidants. Antioxidants defend against free radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms that damage cells causing illness and aging and are caused by external irritants such as pollution and smoking. Due to their function as an antioxidant, topicals have the power to work preventively to combat aging skin.
    • Acne Control: Some who experience acne, due to the aforementioned anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, have found topicals as a useful tool in controlling acne.
    • Psoriasis Management: Psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder that produces itchy, scaly, dry patches on the skin. As previously mentioned, cannabis topicals are anti-inflammatory, some who suffer from the discomfort caused have found topicals to soothe their symptoms as they manage their condition.
    • Moisturizer: When applied topically, cannabis-based oils, salves, and creams are very hydrating. Boasting the perfect balance of nutrients, topicals aid in preventing dry skin, the soothing of roughness, and unbearable cracking.

You Can Find High-Quality Cannabis Topicals in Colorado

Ideal for those looking for targeted relief or those wanting the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the high, topicals are extremely diverse and versatile. With a number of variations in forms, topicals provide an endlessly customizable experience. From skincare to joint pain, topicals are well suited to provide relief for all kinds of clients and patients. With so many options, let the experts at Green Sativa, conveniently located in Federal Heights answer all of your questions. Our staff will help you choose from our incredible range of THC and CBD-based topicals and get you on the path to enhanced wellness. Stop in our top-rated Colorado dispensary today or visit us online!


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Image Source: PRO Stock Professional / Shutterstock

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